Sunday, May 23, 2010

Iceland Update: Somewhere really far north

We're on the plane. It's coming on bedtime but we're not really tired. Starting to be, but the excitement and nerves are making sleep impossible. Plus it's been one long sunny day for, like, ever.

Hayl: [starts giggling out of nowhere]
Thayer: What?
Hayl: I was just wondering how we're going to make it through this day without sleeping. [giggles intensify]
Thayer: Oh dear. You're crazy.
Hayl: Am I?
Thayer: [checks flight progress] Two hours till morning!
[both giggle maniacally]

We're flying over the ocean between Canada's super northerly islands and Greenland. The ice has given way to water, now. I can see icebergs dotting the black water like slightly-too-big misshapen stars in the sky. Before, it looked like giant white puzzle blocks laid out on a black backdrop -- more white than black.

After some calculations, I figure we'll be awake for at least 32 hours by the time we go to sleep. Here's to adventure!

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