Sunday, May 23, 2010

Iceland Update: Seatac Airport

Here we are, ready to take off to Reykjavik. Already we are near actual Icelanders. They just called Ms. Somethingsdottir and Mr. Somethingsson to the desk. Real, live Icelanders are at this gate! It's like they're fictional fairy folk or something.

Why Iceland? I fear my answer is lame. Because I like Bjork. And Sigur Ros. They are Icelanders who make amazing music, and they've both said that the Icelandic landscape has been inspiration for much of their music. And I believe it. I've seen pictures.

That's the other answer to "Why Iceland?" Because I've seen pictures of this place and it's almost impossible to believe that it is of this planet. Volcanos and lakes and mountains and lava fields and glaciers and lagoons and darkness and sunlight. The butterflies beat against my ribcage in anticipation if seeing this strange land.

We will arrive in Reykjavik at our bedtime, but really it will be morning in Iceland. There will be no sleeping for us. We will be diving right in sans rest. Checking into Apartment K and heading out straightaway to explore the cute Capitol city.

After that... Who knows! We haven't planned what comes next. We'll drive. We'll see. We'll search. We'll find.

We'll update when we can!

Love love love.
H (&T)

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