Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Round 2 WIN

That title says it all, non? WE WON. We just found out that we won round 2 of the sperm shooting and the prize is a poppy-seed sized baby!

BUT FIRST! Other things happened, like the actual sperm shooting which was on July 25th. Then more other things happened, like my birthday on August 2 wherein I turned 31. Woohoo 31! Seattle bestowed one of its precious few sunny afternoons on me that day, which was very sweet of it. Thayer and I had dinner and drinks in Post Alley with the Bentons, and that Thayer -- he showed up with a pretty little blue Tiffany bag for his wife. That man is a keeper, I'm telling you. And no, not just because he's good with the gifts, although, I mean, look how shiny this is!

 It has an H engraved on it.

A few days after that, I thought I got my period, so that made me grumpy. To combat the grumps, I met my good friend Cynthia for happy hour on the deck at the super posh Edgewater, which looks like this:

and we pretended to fit in with the clientele there while drinking a few of these:

 Why yes, Mr. Belvedere, I will have another.

As far as consolation prizes go, it wasn't too shab. Add to that some deep fried asparagus spears, and the band-aid was pretty much in place! ("What?" you say. "Deep fried asparagus spears?! Surely such a delectable treat does not exist!"  Au contraire, friends. It does. At the Edgewater.)

On Friday I had some of my favorite peeps over for birthday celebrations on our patio, and it was delightful, and life went on.

Until Sunday when I realized that that period I got a few days before? Kind of a nonstarter. I was pretty sure it was the same caddywompus as I'd experienced the month before, but even so, I wanted to take a test and rule out pregnancy so I could continue moving on.

Luckily, we had just such a test lying around the house, so whilst Thayer was out buying car parts with our friend and current house guest, Michiel, I snuck off to investigate.

What I got was not the minus sign I'd expected. What I got... was this:

Am I hallucinating that plus sign?

When Thayer got home, I could not contain my inner freak-out. He was digging through a drawer looking for a tool or something, and I went and stood next to him, practically bouncing with adrenaline.
Thayer: Hi! What's up?
Thayer: [looks curious] What's going on?
Me: Something CRAAAAZZZYYYYY is going on!
I proceeded to drag him into our bedroom to show him the phantom plus sign, to which he responded with bug eyes and justifiable confusion. Neither of us were satisfied with that pathetic ghostly plus, so off Thayer went to the store for more tests. He came home with what my good friend Amy later referred to as "the dummy test." 

Here is what the dummy test said.

 Come again?

That was when I texted Amy with my findings to ask her what it all meant. She is a nurse practitioner after all, and like any medical professional with a bedside manner worth her salt, she gently informed me, "It means you're pregnant, you idiot!"

Pssht, whatever. I took another test the next day. It agreed with the other tests.

Now, you're probably thinking, Oh, Hayley. It was sooooo obvious. Why would you take three tests? Tsk tsk, so foolish.

I will have you know that this particular neurotic behavior is perfectly common among women! Even Amy the nurse practitioner medical professional took multiple tests including the dummy test. And if you there, reading this, are a woman who has gotten pregnant... well, you did it too, didn't you. DIDN'T YOU?

So that brings us to today, three days after THE DISCOVERY. We are stoked, to say the least, but we're also trying to temper our excitement because we know it's so early that anything can happen. It doesn't feel quite real yet -- no symptoms or anything. It feels like it could all just go away in a moment. But we hope it stays. 

We hope the little poppy seed clings on.


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