Wednesday, July 24, 2013

All about the fires of hell, AKA the first few weeks of first-time parenthood

If Thayer and I decide to have another baby someday (If, people. If.) I'd do well to re-read this post again then. It would be awesome to not spend several weeks in the state of constant horror that I did this first time around.

If you're reading this and you've had babies, I don't know, maybe you can relate. Or maybe you were one of those naturals who was confident from the get-go and totally prepared for the utter transformation of your life overnight. Perhaps you were all, "Hey, life, you look nothing like I remember, but I am totally down with that!" That was not me. That was not me at all. I had hoped it would be me—that I would be insta-mom, so doped up on love and the miracle of life that everything would just fall into place and I would feel at peace with my baby and the universe and...

No. Hahahahaha. No.

If you're reading this and you're expecting a baby, maybe you'll remember this if, once your baby has arrived, you feel like the fires of hell are burning around you. When the days and nights bleed together while you stumble around in a sleep-deprived haze, wearing nothing but underwear because the clothes in your drawers are relics in your vague, distant consciousness. Think of this post if you are unable to summon the willpower to eat lunch or remember when you last brushed your teeth. (We went three days. When our toothbrushes suddenly managed to shine like a lighthouse lamp through our blind fog, it was like seeing old friends. "Heyyyy, guys.")

The first day and night and following day at home, I thought my baby would never stop crying. I was starving her, turns out, with a low milk supply I was promised would increase because "all women can breastfeed." Sadly, said promise would never be fully realized, and said credo is, in fact, a fallacy.

For the lolz.

Once we started actually feeding her, things took a big step up. But not a big enough step to convince me I would ever again recognize my life or even know who I was. I was now a mom. Every second of every day, every week, every year for the rest of my life. Nothing would ever again be for me. I would never see my friends again, never go out to dinner; forget going to a movie, I'd never even watch a movie in my own house. I'd be lucky to fit in an episode of Love It or List It on HGTV.

(JUST KIDDING. We saw every single episode of that damn show. On the rare occasion we had the presence of mind to turn on the TV, there were Hilary and David, being all obnoxious with their unbearable banter, yet after using all our brain capacity just to press "ON," we had none left to change the channel. Curse you, clever Canadian show!)

I was sure every moment of my existence would go to panicking over the life of my little baby, and there would never be any sleeping, ever. My own self was nothing but a memory, a little trinket, a souvenir from the past I might pull out of my pocket now and then, to look at and think, "Remember her? Remember that woman who did things and had friends she saw regularly and had things to say?"

You may know me as I generally know myself: as a calm, easygoing person who usually just goes with the flow. But sometimes I jump into something I like to call my "infinity spiral." This is where I believe that whatever terrible thing is happening at the moment will be happening forever. And panic ensues. It ensues like a boss.

So I flung myself down the infinity spiral and then struggled with tremendous guilt over missing my old life. For what kind of selfish, awful person misses their old life when they've just begun a new one with a tiny, precious, beautiful baby? A terrible mother, that's what.

Thus, for a solid two weeks, I was good and terrified I was doing every possible thing wrong. There were moments, even days, of hope and joy, but then the fear would return and I would feel like a failure and the doomsday horns would again play their sad song of foreverrrrrr.

Then my mom and my sister and my mother- and father-in-law showed up, and the fog started to lift. A little at first. Then a little more. And then a lot. Having helpers gave us time to have little moments to ourselves again. Little breathers, just for us, to remember that we were humans with personalities and lives. To remember who we were.

And all the while, we didn't even notice we were getting better at managing our new life. And all the while, we didn't even notice Helen was getting better at being a baby. We started getting a little more sleep, we started learning more about her, we started not freaking out about her every cry, or the fact that one day looked exactly like the day before and the day before that, because the days actually started to look different from one another. Things were changing.

Now we are six weeks into this thing, and the fog has lifted. The hellfires have since smoldered and died.

As the smoke cleared, I started to see Helen with new, tear-free eyes. And I have fallen crazily, ridiculously, head-over-heels in love with her. I can't get enough of holding her thick little body, steadily pudging more every day. Her face is the most perfect thing I have seen, and I am already fearing when she decides she no longer wants me kissing it 7,000 times a day. I find even her cry-face adorable, and I have no trouble admitting I get ecstatic over her bowel movements. Sometimes, when she stares at me until her little eyelids drift closed and she falls asleep, my throat gets tight and I have to squint to maintain my composure.

(True, I have always been [overly?] emotional, but I swear, this face could make Voldemort melt.)

In the beginning, when people would tell me to "cherish this time, because it goes so fast!" my internal reaction was twofold. 1) Sweet Jesus, I hope so, and 2) WHO CHERISHES THIS TIME? WHO?!

But the memory of those first hellish few weeks is fading. It's already so far gone it feels wrapped in gauze—I can almost see the memory inside, but I just can't feel it.

And I find myself cherishing. I am cherishing all the time, I am cherishing up the wazoo. 

The point is, my daughter, Helen—she's absolutely wonderful. And now that I've passed through those first few weeks that my good friend Amy so brilliantly called "cruel, cruel hazing," I'm only at the beginning of learning exactly how wonderful she is.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A baby came out of me.

Well, it seems we have some catching up to do. So... I'll just go ahead and dive in.

After we returned from our trip to the UK in 2012, we started trying to have a baby again, but after our previous round of trying and succeeding and losing, I wasn't much in the mood for blogging about it. I was sort of in disbelief that it would ever actually happen—even after we got pregnant that fall. Even after we hit 12 weeks and everything looked great. It wasn't until we hit the 5-month mark that I allowed myself to start believing we'd actually have a baby at the end of it.

Still, on and on we trucked through the pregnancy, and baby ran out of fluid in my uterus during her 41st week. My doc said we needed to get the show on the road, so they started to induce, but my body decided to take it from there on its own, smart body that it is. 

As I contracted and dilated away, Thayer and I hung out in our dimly lit, wood-laminate-floored, warm-colored birthing room, ordered "room service," and watched several movies I could barely pay attention to on account of all the stabbing in my reproductive system. (For the record, the movies were The Truman Show on VHS, Adventureland, and I think The Social Network. On account of my Jesse Eisenberg problem.) The nurse finally gave me some pain meds through an IV and I blissed out instantly and couldn't keep from grinning. This labor stuff was no sweat. 

Unfortunately that bliss lasted, oh, 5 minutes before it wore off and I was cringing and huffing and puffing again. It was time for the epidural. I was stoked.

I'll pause here now and say: I had always intended to give birth in a hospital, with a doctor, with an epidural. I know it's controversial because these days everybody is really into "natural" birthing, at home, with a doula, without pain meds, with a written birth plan, etc etc. 
For me, though, coming up with a birth plan sounded about like my worst nightmare. My idea of the ideal birth was hanging out in a giant medical facility with a bunch of folks who had seen thousands of births and would tell me exactly what to do. Home birthing without meds? That's wonderful if that's your thing. It's not and never was my thing, though nearly everyone I spoke to during my pregnancy assumed it would be my thing and talked about it as if it were the only way to go. But I learned to perfect my closed-mouth smile, say "oh" in very interested tones, and change the subject.

And so, just as I'd planned, the tiny needle went into my back and became one of several tubes running to and from my body, and I was perfectly happy about it. So damn happy I even went to sleep. It was an oft-interrupted sleep, what with the nurse clicking away on her computer next to me and checking on me every now and then, but I daresay I slept better than Thayer did, flat on his back on the clammy, vinyl window seat they call a spouse bed. 

Seventeen-hour story short, morning rolled around, I progressed steadily, and my doc was back on duty by the time I was ready to push. Serendipity! I pushed for about an hour, and I'll go ahead and spare you the details and just say it took loads of energy and strength, but I couldn't feel any pain—again, just as I'd hoped/planned. Then, at 10:34 a.m. on June 13, Helen Kay slid on out, purple and grimacing in a silent scream that soon became audible, tiny and fragile as it was. 

My whole body convulsed in an uncontrollable sob when I saw her face and knew it had been her all along, squirming in my belly, kicking my ribs. She was as wrinkled as her 87-year-old namesake, and Thayer and I stared, dumbfounded, at her, barely able to believe she really existed, barely able to believe what we'd just done.

That was five weeks ago. She still really exists. And she's awesome.