Monday, July 11, 2011

Round 1 bust

Well, there's no gentle way to report the news that Round 1 was a no-go. Over the two weeks that we waited to test, I wanted to spill the beans to EVERYONE I SAW OR SPOKE TO that we'd begun trying to make a baby, but it is at this point that I appreciate having kept it on the down low. Telling the few in the know that the answer is no is no fun at all.

TMI territory? Depends on your sensitivity level. You've been warned, at any rate.
I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've been happy to see my period. You may know that I've not often had partners with whom I needed to be concerned about accidentally getting pregnant. Thus, I've had very few PHEW! experiences with the monthlies. Mostly my take on it has been like a "Ugh, you again."

But never before have I been so intent on denying that it was happening. This time I tried my very hardest to pretend it was something else, but alas. To use a terribly cliched and uninspired phrase, It was what it was. Ew. You just winced a little, didn't you. Promise I'll never say that again.

Now, you're probably going, "Girl, you're upset because it didn't work THE FIRST TIME? Please."

To which I say,  "I KNOW, RIGHT?"

It's ridonkeykong. Intellectually, I knew the odds were against beginner's luck, but that didn't stop me from secretly believing I would have beginner's luck.

And dudes, it's friggin' difficult to reign in your sky-high hopes about this, you know? To come at it from a level-headed mindset? Yeah right.

Next up, Round 2. Ovulation predictor kit is in full effect and next sperm shooting will be near the end of July. Takes forever, non?
